July 2022

214: How to Sell a Million Books with John Miller

214: How to Sell a Million Books with John Miller

Do You Need to Write Another Book? “If people don’t know about your book, they can’t purchase it.” —John Miller John Miller began his career selling leadership training to managers, executives, and leaders. He sat in over 10,000 hours of workshops and soon realized that people were asking the wrong questions. This epiphany pushed him […]

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Azul talks with Natasha about writing her book and how relentless she is in every aspect of her life.

213: How to Write a Book as a Busy CEO with Natasha Miller

Our Personal Story Matters “I’m helping give people a voice… and that’s what this book is about. And I didn’t understand completely the responsibility and the privilege that I now have. It’s all becoming more and more clear. This book is much bigger than me and my story.” — Natasha Miller At age sixteen, Natasha

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Azul talks about how perfectionism can keep you from pressing publish on your book and how you can get help moving forward with publishing your own book this year.

212: Press Publish on Your Book This Year with Azul Terronez

Don’t Get Stuck in Perfectionism “The thing I do is help authors get over their imperfection and hit publish. Pressing publish is the most important part of a creator’s journey. Whether you’re creating art, poetry, a book, or speaking on the stage, press publish.” —Azul Terronez So many people think of writing a book as

212: Press Publish on Your Book This Year with Azul Terronez Read More »

Steve and Azul talk about how the series is going now that we are starting to write book three and about the new Fiction with Purpose group program.

211: Perfect Time to Write a Novel with Steve Vannoy and Azul Terronez

How to Craft Fiction with Purpose “It’s not so much a formula as it is a reminder when you’re doing this, don’t get too complicated. The whole purpose is just capturing the stories before they’re lost.” —Steve Vannoy The concept for a three-book fiction series came about during FaceTime visits with our parents in West

211: Perfect Time to Write a Novel with Steve Vannoy and Azul Terronez Read More »