250: How to Write a Book When No One Else Will | Gayle Colman

How to Understand Your Body and Money

“When I was able to let go of needing to have an answer or something be right, my body was offering me relief and openness and new possibilities.” —Gayle Colman

As a financial advisor, Gayle Colman always thought that she and other advisors could do better. They taught all the right plans, answers, and numbers so that people could thrive, but even when their clients did everything right, they weren’t at the happiness and success levels they thought they should be. Gayle then started asking questions about bringing the wisdom of our bodies into the matters of money, and the words “somatic finance” came to her in response.

In this episode of “Authors Who Lead,” I talk with Gayle Colman about her journey discovering somatic finance, about her book, The Body of Money: A Self-Help Guide to Creating Sustainable Wealth through Innate Intelligence, and why you should listen to your body when it comes to your finances.

Listen to Your Fears

We can feel fear, usually as an uncomfortable feeling deep in our bellies. It’s there to tell us that something we are experiencing is a perceived threat. Gayle tells us that fear is the “undercurrent of money.” We sometimes only focus on our financial situation and realize down the line that we aren’t happy or fulfilled. If we listen to our bodies earlier, then it may help us make better decisions for us as a whole person.

Follow a Mentor

Once Gayle realized that somatic finance was working for her clients, she wrote lots of articles and letters on the subject. It was only when a mentor read her work that she realized that she should put all of her ideas into book form. Her mentor told her that her writing style was accessible, humorous, and kind—and perfect to reach people about finances.

In this podcast, Gayle also shares with us:

  • Why being vulnerable is a powerful place to be
  • How embracing discomfort can help you discover your limiting beliefs around money
  • What the archetypes are and how they can help you in your financial journey
  • That there are many routes to publishing a book
  • How important it is to schedule sacred time to write
  • That it’s important to have fun with writing

What was your biggest takeaway from this episode? What are your biggest fears with writing your book? Share in the comments below!

That’s all for this week. If you have a message inside of you that needs to be written, today is the day to start. Don’t delay—take action.

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Connect with Gayle here:

Get a copy of Gayle’s book here:
The Body of Money: A Self-Help Guide to Creating Sustainable Wealth through Innate Intelligence

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250: How to Write a Book When No One Else Will | Gayle Colman250: How to Write a Book When No One Else Will | Gayle Colman