We Changed the Name of Our Podcast
We’re changing the name of this podcast from Born to Write to Authors Who Lead.
We believe that writing a book to share your message is about leadership. We help leaders write books that people love. And we found it would be best to have a podcast that reflects that conversation.
Are you an aspiring writer but don’t have the confidence you need to get started?
I was no different than you back then.
But I decided to step up.
And now is your time to do the same by joining the One-Day Writers’ Workshop in San Diego on February 29, 2020.
My Book Coaching Journey
I started this journey as a book coach in 2015.
In 2014, I wrote my first book and this changed everything for me. It opened up doors and it allowed me to step into a new role of entrepreneurship.
It also landed me a TEDx Talk which now has 1.8 M views.
All this came from taking the risk of writing a book.
If you’ve been wanting to write a book but never took the action, you probably understand how the grit inside of you is really strong when you try to put something out there.
But there’s so much impostor’s syndrome and so much debate inside our head that can happen.
Would I be good enough?
Is it the right time?
This show is dedicated to helping you understand that leaders who have a message to share should stand up and share it – whether you’re leading your own family. Or you’re leading a small tribe of readers who want to read about your fantasy or your world. Or you have a message that you want to stand up for.
For 24 years, I’ve talked about writing a book. I had journals dedicated to it. I had a list of book ideas. I started several of them but have never finished them.
What happened?
It took me 24 years to think about it and only 30 days to write it.
Finally, I got clear on what I wanted to do and what message I wanted to share.
This is how I wrote my first book, The Art of Apprenticeship.
[02:25] Finding Our Purpose
My partner, Steve and I, have been together for a while and we had our children at home. In 2014, he decided to leave a very successful career in healthcare because he wanted to do something more purposeful.
So we ended up traveling around the world and he started to see things differently about his own life. This sparked into a revolution in us, both. We envisioned a life where we can travel the world, work on our laptops, walk on beaches and see cobblestone roads in little villages in Europe.
We’ve been able to do all those things because of a single step. The first step was deciding that “I really want something bigger.”
[03:07] The 1-Day Business Breakthrough
I signed up for this event called 1-Day Business Breakthrough that Pat Flynn and Chris Ducker were hosting.
Pat Flynn is one of my mentors and is the founder of The Smart Passive Income. Chris Ducker runs Youpreneur and was the CEO of a very large virtual assistant organization. They obviously have ample business knowledge, while I was just a school teacher who wanted to learn how these online people do it because I had no idea.
I tried learning online and from books but I only got bits and pieces. It’s the confidence that I really needed. I needed to know whether I was on the right path.
So I signed up for this event and even had to max out our credit card. I had to take a day off at school and get a substitute to go to this event.
As the event was about 30 days away, they had us send my business idea and my website, and other details like email list, offers, and products and services I was selling.
At that point, being the school teacher that I was, I had no idea.
[04:25] How I got to Write My Book in 30 Days
I had this idea for my book but after taking courses, reading books, and talking to people, I finally decided to write the book in 30 days. I also decided that I was going to show up at the 1-Day Business Breakthrough. Then at the very least, I could say I wrote a book and talk about it. So I did.
I posted it everyday on social media to hold myself accountable. I wrote the book for thirty days straight and I finished it the day before I went to the event.
The Art of Apprenticeship was an idea I had that if you can go serve somebody you want to learn from then you can actually absorb some of their knowledge by just being around them.
Back in the Renassaince period, apprentices learned from their masters by doing simple things just to be around them. But each time they got to learn and watch their master and be aware of what the master was doing, they got better and better. As they went along, they would grow.
This was the premise of the book.
[05:40] How the Idea of Being a Book Coach Was Born
So when I went to that event, I pitched this idea in front of a group of 20 other entrepreneurs, some were already super successful.
That event was so important to me for two reasons. First, people were blown away that I finished the book in 30 days. The second was because of this premise I had.
This was where the idea of being a book coach was born since several of them approached me for help. Then I got more and more referrals and I started helping more people.
I realized my gift from helping people was finding the true message inside of them.
I became a digital apprentice of Pat Flynn and I learned from him. I also helped him write Will It Fly? where he talked about the journey of becoming a The Wall Street Journal bestseller as well as his process of writing and finding that book within him that made such a big impact.
[06:55] Now is Your Time to Step Up
So you see, this whole process actually started from taking action.
And writing the book was the catalyst because it finally gave me the confidence to step up into the world and do this.
If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while now –
To help you get started, you can join one of our programs and learn about what writing a book can do for you. We’re running a One-Day Writers’ Workshop in San Diego on February 29, 2020.
Learn more about us on AuthorsWhoLead.com.
It’s time for the world to know what you stand for.
That’s what Authors Who Lead will stand for as we move forward.
[08:00] What’s Next Going Forward
Expect the same, great – even better – content that we put out every week. We have more and more wonderful guests coming to our show. They will share their journey as authors and how they leveraged and grew their authority through their books.
So stay tuned!
I’m diving inside as we get to know more about our guests every week. I ask them deep questions about publishing, whether they thought it was the best idea, or did they get the book ghostwritten, where they got help from, and where their ideas come from.
Sometimes the journey of all these great authors we know of may not be exactly as you expect.
You’re no different than they are.
You can write a book.
You can write and publish a book.
That’s why we’re here – to help you, inspire you, encourage you, and provide you all the things you need in order to grow.
Episode Resources:
Sign up for the One-Day Writers’ Workshop in San Diego on February 29, 2020!
Watch my TEDx Talk on YouTube: What Makes a Good Teacher Great?
Grab a copy of my book, The Art of Apprenticeship
Grab a copy of Pat Flynn’s book Will It Fly?
1-Day Business Breakthrough
Listen to Pat Flynn’s interview on Episode 01 and Episode 58.
Listen On: