Authors Who Lead™ 

Breakthrough to Bestseller Program

Our interactive coaching program guides purpose-driven leaders like you to write a bestselling book so that you get noticed, grow your business, and establish more authority.

Next Cohort starts in January 2024

In this program you will...

Clarify which topic is right for you, where to begin and discover the path to finish your book.

Commit to write your book with ease and gain the confidence you need to succeed even if you aren’t a writer. 

Create a unique message that aligns with your mission, represents you well and serves your community. 

Crystalize your message into a best selling book so that you attract ideal readers, grow your business and establish more authority.

Key benefits of the program...

  • Get clarity and have confidence early in the process

  • Know where to begin and how to start

  • Having the support of people that have written best selling books

  • Write without stress and actually have fun

  • Prioritize your writing so it isn’t the last thing on your to do list

  • Stop procrastinating, over thinking and overcome self doubt

  • Get more speaking opportunities and be invited to bigger stages and keynotes

  • Become a best selling author

  • Generate passive income

  • Have a steady flow of students for your coaching and training programs

  • Create a sense of purpose and leave a legacy

  • Grow your brand and be recognized as a leader

  • Change the world and make a bigger impact

Write Your Untold Story

We know the agony of having an untold story inside you and wanting to write a book that makes a difference, but not knowing where to start or how to finish to get your book published.
Breakthrough to Bestseller Program

Hear what one of our clients had to say...

"I could never have created the beautiful product that resulted from this experience on my own.
It went deeper than just writing a book. The experience revealed the benefit of working with a coach
when I'm seeking to put something incredible out to the world. "
Anita Morris - author of Amazon #1 Bestselling Book Step Into It

Breakthrough to Bestseller Program

We have helped 100s of authors and here’s how it works…

  • You’ll participate in weekly one hour group zoom calls guided by an author success coach.
  • Weekly assignments and accountability to get your book done.
  • We’ve built an online community to connect with others in the group and have access to all the assignments and call recordings along the way.

Our Promise...

  • Help you feel confident and cared for through the entire process.
  • Be honest and transparent in providing feedback and guidance about writing your book.
  • Support, inspire, and motivate you to get to the finish line with your book.

Become a Bestselling Author with Confidence and Ease

Establish Yourself as an Expert and Grow Your Movement

Get more speaking opportunities and be invited to bigger stages

You might be wondering what your investment would be?

Programs like this can cost $10,000s. Register before the next cohort begins in October 2022

Option A

Single Payment in Full
$ 7900 Paid in full at time of registering
  • $500 discount for paying up front
Best Value

Option B

4-Monthly Payments
$ 2100 per month for 4 months
  • Total Cost of $8400

Option C

6-Monthly Payments
$ 1450 per month for 6 months
  • Total Cost of $8700
Breakthrough to Bestseller Program

Hear what one of our clients had to say...​

"II felt inspired, supported encouraged, and exited to do the work. I had a guide taking me through different
brainstorming steps and processes that I would never have thought of on my own.""
Ted Smith - author of Amazon #1 Bestselling Book Healthy Me, Happy We

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long does the program last?
The program is 6-months.

When does the next cohort start?
The next cohort will start in January 2024

When will the weekly calls occur?

How long will I have access to the online content?
Access to the online content will be available for 30 days after the program ends.

What is the refund policy?
Due to the individualized coaching instruction and commitment to each cohort the program is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to anyone else.

Who do I contact if I have more questions?
Please email your questions to

Write Your Book Now

There are so many choices and we can hold your hand through the entire process to give you
the confidence you need to succeed even if you’re not a writer.