342: Writing Without Fear | Denise Frost

Denise Frost on Character Depth and Engaging Stories


In this episode of Authors Who Lead, Denise Cecilia Frost and I delve into the grueling yet rewarding process of writing a novel. The takeaway is clear: the first draft is not about perfection but capturing a great story’s essence. Drawing inspiration from Kurt Vonnegut, Denise emphasizes that every character must have a desire or goal to propel the narrative forward. It’s a stage where messiness is not just tolerated but encouraged. Resonating from my experience as a co-writer, I added that revisiting drafts can later refine these raw beginnings into something coherent and compelling.

The Art of Rewriting and Dialogue

Denise shares a vital tool in her writer’s arsenal: rewriting, particularly through dialogue. She finds dialogue a perfect method to reduce unnecessary exposition, refine character dynamics, and enhance the plot’s authenticity. I relate to my own experience in rewriting, stressing the importance of adding depth and rationality to characters’ actions. I underscore how challenging yet essential it is to tackle difficult themes and uncomfortable scenes to push character development and narrative progression.

Inspiration and Influences: From Nancy Drew to PD James

Denise’s love for mysteries traces back to her childhood days when she was engrossed in Nancy Drew and Agatha Christie’s novels. She discovered a book that dissects mysteries into four well-paced sections, shaping her writing style to maintain timing and suspense. Moreover, drawing inspiration from authors like PD James, Denise appreciates crafting an immersive atmosphere, often infusing a sense of loneliness in her characters. Her unique portrayal of Southern California, influenced by her personal and familial experiences in Los Angeles, breathes authenticity into her narrative settings.

The Journey to “This Punishing Breed”

Denise’s literary debut, “This Punishing Breed,” introduces detective AJ Arias, set on a liberal arts campus ridden with jealousy, and racial and sexual tensions. Not only has the novel captivated audiences, earning a spot in The New York Times’ selection of must-read fictional detective novels, but it also skillfully challenges gender norms through Denise’s pen name, DC Frost. The ambiguity around the author’s identity was an intentional move to blur traditional gender roles within her character depictions.

A Disciplined Writing Habit and the Role of Feedback

Despite taking ten years to complete her first book, Denise attributes her progress to overcoming procrastination and forming disciplined writing habits, dedicating at least two hours daily to her craft. Therapy and receiving critical feedback, especially from her husband, an NPR reporter, played instrumental roles in refining her writing. Participating in writing workshops, despite early discouragement from mentors about pursuing popular genres, also honed her skill set and bolstered her confidence.

Character Creation and Real-life Influence

Character creation is a particular forte for Denise, who imbues her characters with real-life influence and authenticity. Whether crafted from an amalgamation of people she knows or entirely fictional, she ensures she knows her characters intimately, shaping their traits and backgrounds meticulously. This attention to detail stems from her career in nonprofit fundraising and education, where relationship-building and listening closely to others’ stories were key.

Exploring Uncomfortable Themes and Challenges

Writing isn’t just about weaving a plot but also about tackling uncomfortable themes to deepen the story’s impact. Whether addressing issues like sexual assault or societal tensions, Denise and I acknowledge the vulnerability and difficulty entailed in this process. Yet, we assert its necessity in driving character development and story progression.

Moving Forward: New Ventures in Mexico City

With her second book already underway, starting in Mexico City, Denise continues to expand her narrative horizons. The new novel explores cultural differences, Hollywood’s stark realities, and social issues like gentrification—reflecting on her personal and familial connections to the Mexican capital. The novel also incorporates profound societal themes through characters like a Mexican director working on a film project about an indigenous story.

The Power of Authentic Storytelling

Denise and I emphasize the historical importance of storytelling and the creative freedom it allows. Their discussion circles back to the fundamental belief that storytelling is more than mere entertainment; it’s a way to communicate untold stories and bring unique insights based on diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Join us again next week for more captivating insights from influential authors and publishing experts. Remember to subscribe to Authors Who Lead and visit our website for more show notes and past interviews.

That’s all for this week. If you have a message inside of you that needs to be written, today is the day to start. Don’t delay—take action.

Episode Resources

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Get a copy of Denise’s book here:
A Punishing Breed

342: Writing Without Fear | Denise Frost342: Writing Without Fear | Denise Frost

In this episode of Authors Who Lead, Denise Cecilia Frost and I delve into the grueling yet rewarding process of writing a novel.