264: Five Things You Can Do to Increase Your Writing Even If You Don’t Have Time | Azul Terronez

How to Destroy Writer’s Block

“Shutting down the thinking brain is what you need to do in order to pick up the speed in writing.” —Azul Terronez

Have you ever thought about writing a book but found yourself coming up with excuse after excuse for pushing it off? Maybe you’ve gotten busier since the last time you thought about it. Maybe you had a child or changed jobs or got into a new hobby, so how could you possibly have time to write? I see this often with the leaders that I work with; these business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals have very busy schedules already, and finding the time to write a book can seem almost impossible.

On this week’s episode of “Authors Who Lead,” I talk about the five things you can do to increase your writing even if you don’t have time. I hope this helps you get out of your head and get your words onto the page.

One—Make Writing Fun

First you need to let go of what writing is “supposed to be.” It’s not like the assignments we were given in school. Those we hated to do because they were assigned to us and not fun, and we also resisted them because we thought we weren’t very good at them.

But now you are here because you have a book in your mind and heart that you want to write, so your mindset should allow you to relax and enjoy the process.

Two—Call Yourself an Author

Along with the mindset of enjoying the writing process, you need to call yourself a writer and establish the daily habits that are helpful to authors. The repetition of writing each day creates the opportunity for succeeding in your goals. You’re a writer the moment you decide you are.

Three—Narrow Down Your Ideas

Now that you’ve decided you’re an author, the perfect idea should fall into your lap, right? No. Getting a clear idea is not about finding the right idea but finding the idea that gives you energy, inspiration, and excitement. So write down all the ideas that come to you. Having too many ideas can lead to what most people term “writer’s block” and we don’t know where to start. To avoid this, narrow your list down to twenty-five, then to three. With those three, decide which one gives you the most energy and excitement. There are no wrong answers, only the choice you pick. Then put all your energy into writing that one.

Four—Find Your Why

Your why is so important because if you don’t know why you’re doing this, you’ll find any other reason to stop. Writing a book is not easy or quick, so you need to have a solid why so that when “writer’s block” comes along or you face resistance, you can push through because you know why it is in your heart to finish.

Five—Think on the Page

One of the biggest problems we have as authors is getting our ideas onto the page. It’s because we’re thinking too much. I know this sounds contrary. But if we have to think about what we’re writing, we tend to edit and judge our words before they leave our heads. Then our true ideas never have a chance to get onto the page. So, I want you to just show up for the writing. Whatever comes out, comes out.

In this podcast, I also share:

  • That the benefits of having a book far outweigh the few months of agony that you might feel you have when you’re writing it
  • That speaking opportunities can come to you if you have a published book
  • How “writer’s block” is often just having too many ideas to choose from
  • How you can benefit from writing in community like our “Authors Who Lead” community

I’m so grateful that you listened to this podcast. I appreciate anybody who leaves a review; it really helps inspire us to keep contributing and giving content here.

What was your biggest takeaway from this episode? What is your biggest obstacle while writing your book? In the comments, share your biggest obstacles.

That’s all for this week. If you have a message inside you that needs to be written, know that you can write and publish the book that’s been on your heart. Don’t delay—get out of your head, put words on the page today, and make a movement with your message!

Episode Resource: 

Authors Who Lead
AWL Membership Community
Fiction with Purpose Group
Mandala Tree Press Publishing

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264: Five Things You Can Do to Increase Your Writing Even If You Don’t Have Time | Azul Terronez264: Five Things You Can Do to Increase Your Writing Even If You Don’t Have Time | Azul Terronez

Azul talks about the five things you can do to increase your writing even if you don’t have time. I hope this helps you get your words onto the page.